Emeline Rétif
Je marche, navigue et bivouaque micros à la main pour cueillir récits de vie et paysages sonores. Je présente régulièrement mes créations en festivals. J’anime également des ateliers de pêche aux son ou de création sonore avec des scolaires, des réfugié-es et des personnes en situation de handicap.
Autrefois formatrice pour adultes migrant-es, traductrice de poésie latino-américaine ou cheffe de projet en ONG, j’anime aujourd’hui des ateliers au pied des Pyrénées dans la frugalité joyeuse des bois.
Evénements passés et publications
Contribution au livre Des droits pour la nature : vers de nouvelles normes internationales (Paris, Utopia, 2016)
Recherche documentaire, coordination en collaboration avec Samanta Novella, traduction de textes depuis l’anglais et l’espagnol et rédaction du chapitre final.
Of Legitimate Desctruction : Questioning Western Ontology in Relation to the Ecological Crisis – Mémoire de Master 2
SYNOPSIS: This study aims at exploring the ideological premises that have legitimised ecologically unsustainable practices. Today, environmental policies and climate negotiations focus on techno-scientific solutions while neglecting the cultural origins of ecological issues. Hence, in this thesis, my intention is to unveil what incentives have been promoting environmental overexploitation and have hindered its challenging. In order to do so, I investigate the constructed dualism between nature and humankind and the emphasis on mastery and stewardship in the negotiation of Western identities. In addition, I observe the constant reaffirmation of human exceptionalism, focusing on symbolic and physical violence against the rest of the biosphere and in particular against the nonhuman animals. Moreover, this research project focuses on how exploitative relationships have been naturalised and globalised by political and economic hegemony, among others through the narratives of Capitalism and Developmentism. I discuss the footprint of those interconnected paradigms which foster private profit and economic growth at the expense of Sustainability and Socio-ecological Justice. Finally, I investigate the controversy between the panacea of Green Capitalism and its pluriversal alternatives. I criticise the supposed adjustment of Global Capitalism to the Climate Crisis and confront it to community-based initiatives. This study has been undertaken as part of the Sustainability debate, this time from the angle of Cultural Studies, at the crossroads between Anthropology, Economics and Political Ecology.